3 Reasons Why I’m Glad I Bought A Tria 4x Laser

3 months of using the Tria 4x laser, my review and results so far

This is my 3-month review of the Tria 4x laser and what it has done for me. I have been using this device for 3 months now, and my review is that it reduces hair growth on the face, neck, chest, back, and other areas where I have used it. This product has been one of the greatest investments ever made because I am finally free from constantly shaving or waxing those unwanted facial hairs!

After three months of using the product, I have already seen some results, but I will continue to use it until I am satisfied with the long-term results. My three-month review of this product shows that it is very effective and delivers on its promise to reduce hair growth.

I would recommend this product to anyone tired of constant shaving and waxing. $400 may seem like a lot of money, but it’s worth every penny because I never have to shave or wax again!

This 3-month review will be updated as time goes on since my results are still taking place.

My Tria 4x laser review results so far.

Tria 4x laser

Three months ago, I bought a Tria 4x laser for myself, an innovative hair removal system that uses light energy to destroy the root of unwanted hair permanently. Three months later, I am still seeing amazing results! Along with new skin growth gradually replacing old skin cells, 3-4 weeks after each treatment, I see about 80% hair regrowth reduction on treated areas (on average).

The most noticeable difference in 3 months has been around my bikini area. It’s helped me feel more confident about my body again! I had been growing out my pubic hair for 3 years in preparation for laser hair removal.

Then, after three months of laser hair removal with Tria 4x, I realized that the areas where I was treated looked much better than my furry bikini area. At three months post-treatment, the hair on my bikini line is growing back slower and thinner than it ever has! That’s not to mention the hair that I don’t see on my bikini area anymore (it’s still there, but it doesn’t show as much).

This picture was taken 3 months post-treatment.

bikini line laser treatmentI was one of those girls who kept her pubic hair for a long time, not because I loved it but because I was so insecure about my body that I didn’t even want to see hairless women in porn.

I thought growing pubic hair would make me feel better about myself. But the truth is laser hair removal has changed how I see and appreciate myself.

If you’re thinking about getting this product or anything like it, don’t hesitate. You won’t regret it! 🙂

The reasons why I’m glad I bought a Tria 4x laser

3 months ago, I decided to try a new laser hair removal method after reading about it online. I chose the Tria 4x because it looked like an easy-to-use, noninvasive hair removal option with professional results.

Here’s my experience after 3 months of treatment with the device (with before and after photos), as well as to offer some insight into the pros and cons of this device.

The Tria 4x is a handheld laser hair removal device designed for home use by professional aestheticians. This product has been around since 2007, but I had never heard of it until a few months ago. It is FDA-approved for skin types I-IV. It emits blue light to disable the hair follicle and prevent future growth of the treated hairs.

This device was invented by two Harvard scientists, Associate Professor Ted Lain and Dr. David Bickers, who wanted laser treatment to be available long-term at home instead of making weekly trips to the dermatologist’s office.

Dr. Bickers was my doctor, so this seemed like a great option to get more information on laser hair removal techniques you can use at home before investing in the device.

My only regret is not doing this sooner! I’m almost 100% hair-free on my outer thighs and all but a few hairs on my bikini line. I’ll even take 1 or 2 out of 10, considering the amount of hair that used to grow back before using this device. The device is super easy to use and practically foolproof, and the best part is that you can reach the underarms, bikini area, legs, and face from the comfort of your home.

I’m not going to lie. It hurts a bit, and you will experience some discomfort and redness after treatment. The pain only lasted about 20-30 minutes, though, and applying an ice pack alleviated any burning sensation.

3 months later, I’m happy with my decision to give it a shot

tria 4x laser hair removalThe Tria 4x laser hair removal differs from other lasers because it uses multiple wavelengths of light tuned for your skin type, so you don’t have to worry about getting burned or experiencing discomfort! This device treats all skin types I-IV, which is pretty amazing.

This laser can remove hair for up to 6 weeks at a time, and it’s very easy to use at home. You just turn the device on, press the button for your desired area (e.g., legs, face, underarm), point it in the direction of the hair, and hold it on each area for about 10 seconds at a time. The only areas you want to treat should be shaved before using this device.

I hope these photos show how simple it is to use this device and achieve great results! I went from having a terrible amount of hair growth in some areas (like my outer thigh) to almost hair-free skin!

My only regret is not doing this sooner! I’m almost 100% hair-free on my outer thighs and all but a few hairs on my bikini line. I’ll even take 1 or 2 out of 10, considering the amount of hair that used to grow back before using this device.


I hope these photos show how simple it is to use this device and achieve great results! I went from having a terrible amount of hair growth in some areas (like my outer thigh) to almost hair-free skin.

My only regret is not doing this sooner! I’m almost 100% hair-free on my outer thighs and all but a few hairs on my bikini line. I’ll even take 1 or 2 out of 10, considering the amount of hair that used to grow back before using this device.

The Tria 4x laser has been around since 2007 but was never heard about until recently when two Harvard scientists developed it for home use by professional aestheticians – their goal is to make laser treatment accessible long-term at home instead of needing to make weekly trips to the dermatologist’s office. You can use this device for the face, bikini, and arms and legs (I recommend getting a friend or someone you trust to help you hold it since it’s hard to do by yourself).

As mentioned before, I only recommend laser hair removal at home if there is no other option. It’s a little painful, and there is no guarantee you won’t experience some discomfort, but it’s not as bad as getting electrolysis. Electrolysis is more expensive than laser hair removal, and many technicians don’t have the training to do it correctly, so I say, “Go for it” if you want to save money and be done with those pesky hairs for good.

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